Iranska novinska agencija upozorila je SAD da ne preduzimaju akcije protiv nekoliko tankera pod zastavom Irana koji prevoze gorivo u Venecuelu, kao što je prijetio Washington.
“Ako Sjedinjene Države, baš poput gusara, namjeravaju da stvore nesigurnost na međunarodnim plovnim putevima, to bi predstavljalo opasan rizik i to sigurno neće proći bez posljedica”, izjavila je u petak iranska novinska agencija, pozivajući se na izvještaje da su američki ratni brodovi na putu za presretanje tankera na Karibima.
U četvrtak je jedan neimenovani američki zvaničnik rekao da Trumpova administracija razmatra moguće akcije protiv isporuka tankera.
“Ne samo što to nije poželjno za Sjedinjene Države, već nije poželjno ni za regiju, i mi tražimo mjere koje se mogu preduzeti”, rekao je zvaničnik, koji je ukazao da Washington vjeruje sa “visokim stepenom sigurnosti”, da Karakas namjerava platiti zlatom za gorivo. Iranski ambasador u Venecueli Hojjatollah Soltani izričito je negirao optužbe.
Ranije u petak na Twitter nalogu američke mornarice podijelili su fotografije četiri američka ratna broda – tri razarača sa vođenim raketama i priobalni borbeni brod – u patroli na Karibima. To je bio drugi takav tvit ove sedmice, sa drugim u srijedu koji uključuje i pomorski patrolni avion P-8A Poseidon.
Prema izvještajima, pet tankera koji plove pod iranskom zastavom prevoze rafinirano gorivo u Venecuelu, gdje su opsade od strane Sjedinjenih Država, koje traju preko godinu dana, udavile venecuelansku ekonomiju, blokirajući uvoz dijelova neophodnih za održavanje industrije. Kao rezultat toga, zemlja je u januaru bila primorana da zatvori zadnju rafineriju nafte, što znači da, iako je njen primarni izvoz nafta, Venecuela sada ima manjak goriva.
Nakon izvještaja o potencijalnim američkim akcijama protiv isporuke, venecuelanski ministar spoljnih poslova Jorge Arreaza demantovao je potencijalne akcije na Twitteru kao “još jedan dokaz za svijet koji ćemo poslati Međunarodnom krivičnom sudu”. On je nastavio, “U pozadini pandemije, Washington traga za brodovima koji transportuju našu naftu i nose gorivo. To je grubo kršenje međunarodnog prava i osnovnih prava Venecuele.”
Prošlog mjeseca Teheran je dobio značajnu kritiku zbog pomaganja Caracasu da ponovo pokrene svoju pokvarenu jedinicu katalitičkog krekiranja u ogromnoj rafineriji Cardon, koja je neophodan korak u prečišćavanju sirove nafte u mnoštvo goriva koje se iz nje može dobiti.
Englezi su prije par mjeseci zapljenili Iranu brod koji je isao za Siriju, za sirijsku vladu koja je priznata od UN, onda su Iranci zapljenili jedan engleski tanker u hormuskom tjesnacu. Buduci da je Engleska pravna drzava pod navodnim znakovima onda je ponistila odluku suda o zapljeni iranskog tankera i oslobodila ga. Iran je isto napravio, oslobodio engleski tanker. Nafta iz Sirije pod kontrolom Amerike se neometano izvozi, zahvaljujuci Trumpu. Po americkom zakonu koji mnogi zovu medjunarodni zakoni, nitko nesmi prodati naftu sirijskoj vladi a ni kupiti. Libija je podijeljena na dva dijela i oba djela izvozu naftu. Ispred njihove obale su usidreni tankeri iz zapadnih zemalja i kupuju naftu po popustu. Po americkom, citaj po medjunarodnom zakonu, to je dozvoljeno. Iz EU, citaj Francuska, kazu da ce oni patrolirati uz obalu Libije i “cuvati” je. Lisica ce cuvati kokos. Po ovoj vijesti, Amerikanci bi mogli zapljeniti iranske tankere a… Čitaj više »
kapitalizam je zakon jeceg.
amerokenjska đubrad.
Iz Amerike dolazu dokumenti da je Guaido, koji pokusava doci na vlast uz pomoc USA, bio iza upada placenika u Venezuelu iz Amerike. Nekoliko dana prije napada, Florida advokatska tvrtka koja zastupa Silvercorp USA poslala je pismo Guaidóu i ostalim članovima “oporbene stranke” da ih podsjećaju da su 16. listopada 2019. dugovali početnu uplatu u iznosu od 1,5 milijuna dolara, ugovor o sigurnosti koji je bio „ rok dospijeća. ” U pismu od 28. travnja navodi se da je “Uprava Juan Guaidóa trebala platiti Silvercorp USA” zadržavaču u roku od pet dana nakon što su oporbeni vođa i nekolicina saveznika potpisali ugovor vrijedan 212,9 milijuna dolara za usluge “potpomognute / osigurane venecuelanskim barelima nafte. ” Ugovor na sedam stranica, opisan kao “opći ugovor o uslugama”, sadrži oskudne pojedinosti o stvarnim zadacima koje treba obaviti, ali naglašava važnost tajnosti među strankama. “Pružatelj usluga [Silvercorp USA] poduzet će sve mjere razumno potrebne… Čitaj više »
Čekaj malo, Venezuela nema goriva jer nema dijelova za rafinerije pa se je i zadnja ugasila, a sve radi američkih sankcija!
Pa ali im Kinezi ili Rusi nisu mogli isporučiti dijelove?
Dakle Gaduro je spao na to da mora uvoziti gorivo a leži na nafti.
Tankere dobro naoružati i podminirati. U slučaju da jih zapleni američka vojska, dignuti jih u vazduh.
USA upravljaju Jevreji. Preko nje žele uvažiti božju naredbu, da kako jedini božji narod imajo pravo vladati cjelom svijetu in svojatati njegova bogastva. Svi ostali ljudi su po božjoj zapovjedi njihovi podanici (gojimi), do kojih Jevreji ne smeju imati milosti, niti jih smeju smatrati za božja biča.
“If your brother, the son of your father or of your mother, or your son or daughter, or the spouse whom you embrace, or your most intimate friend, tries secretly to seduce you, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ […], you must stone him to death, since he has tried to divert you from Yahweh your God. […] All Israel, hearing of this, will be afraid, and none of you will do such a wicked thing again” (Deuteronomy 13:7-12).[23] And if in one town, “scoundrels from your own stock […] have led their fellow-citizens astray, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’” then “you must put the inhabitants of that town to the sword; you must lay it under the curse of destruction—the town and everything in it. You must pile up all its loot in the public square and burn the town and all its loot,… Čitaj više »
Or, according to another translation: “the entire town must be put to the torch as a burnt offering to Yahweh your God.” The Levites’ rule of terror In biblical terms, assimilation means “serving other gods.” The Jews who seek assimilation deserve death, and their death will serve as an example to the rest. When, in the second century BC, some Israelites said, “let us ally ourselves with the gentiles surrounding us, for since we separated ourselves from them many misfortunes have overtaken us,” the Maccabees “organized themselves into an armed force, striking down the sinners in their anger, and the renegades in their fury” (1Maccabees 1-2), and established their Hasmonean theocracy.[24] Terrorizing the Jews into submission to strict separateness and endogamy is the essence of the Yahwist covenant. The Torah shows that Yahweh’s rule of terror rests on the sacrifice of assimilationist and rebellious Jews. In the Book of Numbers,… Čitaj više »
In Numbers 16-17, a group of two hundred and fifty Levites, led by Korah, are themselves exterminated for having rebelled against Moses and Aaron. “I am going to destroy them here and now,” said Yahweh, and “Fire then shot out from Yahweh and consumed the two hundred and fifty men offering incense” (16:20-35). “On the following day, the whole community of Israelites were muttering against Moses and Aaron and saying, ‘You are responsible for killing Yahweh’s people!’” Then Yahweh said “I am going to destroy them here and now,” and a plague decimated fourteen thousand seven hundred of them (17:6-14). What these episodes highlight is that the authority of Yahweh and of his elite cast of Levites is entirely founded on violence and terror against the Israelites themselves. It also shows that the Covenant is based on the permanent threat of destruction. Jews who challenge their representative elites and who… Čitaj više »
Never mix with the peoples who are still left beside you. Do not utter the names of their gods, do not swear by them, do not serve them and do not bow down to them. […] if you make friends with the remnant of these nations still living beside you, if you intermarry with them, if you mix with them and they with you, then know for certain that Yahweh your god will stop dispossessing these nations before you, and for you they will be a snare, a pitfall, thorns in your sides and thistles in your eyes, until you vanish from this fine country given you by Yahweh your god. […] For if you violate the covenant which Yahweh your god has imposed on you, if you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, then Yahweh’s anger will be roused against you and you will quickly… Čitaj više »
The psychopathic biblical paradigm In the World War II Holocaust, Jews were not killed by other Jews, as in the biblical passages mentioned above. But from the biblical point of view, it makes no difference, because it is always Yahweh who hits the Israelites, whether he is using Moses (a murderer on the run from the beginning), or sending them plagues, stones from heaven or foreign armies. To punish David for having ordered a national census (counting dead Jews in OK, but living Jews is not), Yahweh gives him the choice: “Which do you prefer: to have three years of famine befall your country; to flee for three months before a pursuing army; or to have three days of epidemic in your country?” David chose the epidemic, which made seventy thousand dead (2Samuel 24:13), but Yahweh could just as well use a foreign army. Whenever Israelites are attacked, it is… Čitaj više »
The real cause-effect relationship between religious pluralism and the Babylonian campaign against Jerusalem was, in fact, exactly the opposite of what the Bible claims. In the ancient world, international diplomacy was closely related to religious tolerance: nations showed respect to each other by respecting each other’s gods. The Judean king Manasseh is blamed by the biblical scribes for having done “what is displeasing to Yahweh, copying the disgusting practices of the nations whom Yahweh had dispossessed for the Israelites” by worshipping “the whole array of heaven” (2 Kings 21:2-3). But his 55-year-long reign was a period of exceptional peace and prosperity. By contrast, his grandson Josiah, who is praised for removing from the temple “all the cult objects which had been made for Baal, Asherah and the whole array of heaven,” and exterminating all the priests “who offered sacrifice to Baal, to the sun, the moon, the constellations and the… Čitaj više »
A Holocaust of Biblical Proportions
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Iran bi u slučaju Američke akcije sigurno poduzeo protumjere . Kadri su oni to učiniti.